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NWP SAF Scatterometer Monitoring

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Types of plots
2D histograms
Density plots of observed winds (O) against model background values (B) for different satellite and latitude band combinations. Includes plots of O vs B speed, direction and U/V wind components.
Map plots
Plots of statistics as a function of latitude and longitude for each satellite. These highlight geographical areas where there are signifcant differences between observations and model backgrounds.
Hovmoeller plots
Plots of statistics as a function of latitude and time for each satellite.
Vector plots
Vector plots showing the mean observed vector, mean background vector and mean vector difference for each satellite.
Node plots
Plots of statistics as a function of wind vector cell (WVC) for each satellite. These highlight how the wind quality varies across the swath. For WindSat we instead look at statistics versus cloud liquid water (CLW).

NWP models

The following symbols indicate which model the observations are being compared against

= Met Office global deterministic model
= Met Office UKV regional model

Monitoring Plots

Please select a month
2024 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2022 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2021 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2020 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2019 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

For data before 2011, please contact the NWP SAF helpdesk.

Details of plotted data

The Met Office monthly monitoring plots show all good quality winds passing QC, prior to the thinning step. The density plots also give statistics for the 'used' data after thinning. A description of the filtering applied can found on the following page:

The exceptions to this are

  1. no bias correction (if applicable) has been applied to the data in these monthly plots. This is to allow a fairer comparison between the different instruments and also to monitor any changes in the wind products.
  2. all WVCs are considered.

Hence, although the speed density plots give statistics for the 'used' data these do not reflect that a bias correction and WVC filtering may in fact have been applied prior to assimilation.