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NWP SAF AMV Monitoring

Introduction Monthly
Investigations NWP Real-time
Action List

Action List

Last updated February 2012

This page contains a list of actions to develop and improve the NWP SAF AMV monitoring. Most are identified internally, but some are a result of feedback from users or actions from the International Winds Workshops. The list is arranged in sections relating to:

Feedback is encouraged, please use the Feedback Form.

For older completed actions, please see the completed actions page.

1. Discrepancies between contributers

Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
ECMWF to provide polar map data using distance bins. A one degree grid is used for the geostationary data, but this is less meaningful over the poles. Instead the Met Office polar map plots use a distance box. ECMWF No

2. Improvements to site

Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Add real-time monitoring Currently provide links to other sites - could add some basic plots for the Met Office (ECMWF covered elsewhere). MetO No
Display examples of plot output The AMV monitoring/analysis system has been developed over a number of years to help with the biennial analysis and other investigations. We could add a new tab to highlight the range of plots that can be produced. MetO No
Assimilation information Expand information to include other NWP centres e.g. NRL and BoM. MetO No
Review and update all web pages MetO Yes (Feb 12)
Add NWP tab Relocate relevant information under a new NWP tab. MetO Yes (Feb 12)

3. Development of plots

Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Add Hovmoeller plots to routine monitoring These can be produced at the Met Office (by latitude or pressure) and can be useful for investigating day-to-day variability in O-B stats. They have not been added yet due to the large number of plots already displayed. MetO ECMWF No
Develop plots comparing AMVs to other ob types low priority unless strong demand MetO ECMWF No

4. Analysis of results

Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Provide routine updates Update analysis every 2 years. MetO Ongoing

5. Follow-up investigations

Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Height assignment investigations Continue investigations into differences between channels and satellites in regions of overlap and comparisons with level of best-fit in model wind profiles. MetO ECMWF Ongoing