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Licensing procedure for SSMIS_PP end-use

  • Supported platforms: Linux platforms
  • Software requirements: KORN shell, FORTRAN 90 compiler, gunzip, gzip, tar
  • Hardware requirements: about 1 GB of disk space
  • Distribution policy: distribution is free of charge to anyone who agrees to the licence conditions and signs the Licence Agreement.

How to get a copy of the SSMIS_PP software system

To receive a copy of the SSMIS_PP system software please use the SSMIS_PP request form.

Once the SSMIS_PP request form has been received by the NWP-SAF Helpdesk you will be sent a CD-ROM containing the software, documentation and test files.

Software updates are made available on a FTP server, currently hosted by the Met Office. (Note that the server does not support web browsers - you need to use command line FTP).