
The NWP SAF follows a programme of continuous development with periodic releases of deliverables. The programme is periodically reviewed to reflect evolving user requirements. Each year detailed plans are defined for the year ahead, together with outline plans for the remaining period of the SAF. For information on the latest developments see the news page.

Users must agree to the NWP SAF Licence Agreement before downloading the software.

Current Software Packages

Software PackageVersionRelease date
1D-Var (One-Dimensional Variational Analysis package)2.0Jan-22
AAPP (ATOVS and AVHRR Pre-processor)8.13Jun-24
Cloud and Aerosol Detection Software3.2Feb-24
AWDP (ASCAT Wind Data Processor)3.3Jul-20
CWDP (CFOSAT Wind Data Processor)1.0Oct-21
IASI PCA-based Compression Package1.0Sep-08
IRSPP (Infrared Sounder Pre-processor)1.3Oct-24
MWIPP (Microwave Imager Pre-processor)1.2Feb-23
OWDP (OSCAT Wind Data Processor)1.1Feb-13
PenWP (Pencil Beam Wind Processor)4.0Oct-22
Radiance Simulator3.2Jul-23
SDP (SeaWinds Data Processor)2.2Sep-14
SSMIS PP (SSMIS Pre-processing Package)1.1Nov-10