

RapidScat was launched to the International Space Station on 20 September 2014. The instrument is a rotating pencil beam scatterometer operating in Ku-band at 13.4 GHz and very similar to the SeaWinds instrument on QuikSCAT. The EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) have developed 50-km and 25-km wind products which make use of the level 2A backscatter data made available by NASA/JPL. The product monitored here is the 25-km version.

RapidScat data has been operationally assimilated into the Met Office global forecast model since 15 September 2015.

Latest Data (updated every 6 hours)


00 UTC

06 UTC

12 UTC

18 UTC
Data Coverage
Map O-B Speed Bias
Map Mean Observed
and Background Speed
Speed Density
Direction Density
O-B Speed Bias
By Crosstrack Cell
O-B Direction Bias
By Crosstrack Cell

Last 30 days

Time Series