This file generated: 15/10/2019


9 March 2016
where links to the NetCDF-4 spectral response function file and a technical note are provided.

Spectral Response Function file attributes:
  title = "OLCI S3A spectral characterisation" 
  created = "Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016" 
  spectral_model_source = "S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4" 
  solar_irradiance_source = "S3A_SY_CCDB_CHAR_Thuillier-Solar-Irradiance.20110407133714_1.nc4" 
  module_sequence = "FM5R,FM9,FM7,FM10,FM8" 
  comment = "Created from bilinear interpolation of the instrument characterisation measurements
     done at a subsample of the CCD pixels: no physical modelling of the spectral parameters
     used for the spatial/spectral interpolation down to pixel resolution" 

Technical note reference is
 Technical Note: Sentinel-3 OLCI-A pre-flight spectral response functions
 Reference S3-TN-ESA-OL-660, Issue 1, Revision 0
 Date of Issue 15/02/2016

SRFs are provided for all 21 bands, all 5 modules but for a selection of 3 CCD columns (cols 10, 374, 730)
The 315 RTTOV channels corresponds to  (band, module, column) in Fortran convention
RTTOV channel number = (band-1)*5*3 + (module-1)*3 + column

Central wavelength from NetCDF file is kept in RTTOV calculations.
Solar Irradiance is recomputed at time of coefficient generation.

The first 15 channels have their filter response functions cut above 25500cm-1 (392nm)
because the current line-by-line database end at 25500cm-1

Download all SRFs: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf.tar.gz

Channel 01
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24992.392 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 1, band 1 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch01.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch01.png
Channel 02
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24974.374 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 2, band 1 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch02.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch02.png
Channel 03
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24959.194 cm-1 / 0.401 microns
Comment: 3, band 1 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch03.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch03.png
Channel 04
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 25005.473 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 4, band 1 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch04.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch04.png
Channel 05
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24986.966 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 5, band 1 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch05.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch05.png
Channel 06
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24971.238 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 6, band 1 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch06.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch06.png
Channel 07
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24979.414 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 7, band 1 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch07.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch07.png
Channel 08
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24958.628 cm-1 / 0.401 microns
Comment: 8, band 1 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch08.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch08.png
Channel 09
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24942.149 cm-1 / 0.401 microns
Comment: 9, band 1 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch09.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch09.png
Channel 10
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24969.097 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 10, band 1 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch10.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch10.png
Channel 11
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24946.723 cm-1 / 0.401 microns
Comment: 11, band 1 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch11.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch11.png
Channel 12
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24937.161 cm-1 / 0.401 microns
Comment: 12, band 1 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch12.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch12.png
Channel 13
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24983.634 cm-1 / 0.400 microns
Comment: 13, band 1 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch13.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch13.png
Channel 14
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24959.544 cm-1 / 0.401 microns
Comment: 14, band 1 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch14.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch14.png
Channel 15
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24945.010 cm-1 / 0.401 microns
Comment: 15, band 1 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch15.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch15.png
Channel 16
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24307.385 cm-1 / 0.411 microns
Comment: 16, band 2 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch16.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch16.png
Channel 17
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24289.536 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 17, band 2 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch17.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch17.png
Channel 18
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24272.931 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 18, band 2 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch18.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch18.png
Channel 19
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24316.261 cm-1 / 0.411 microns
Comment: 19, band 2 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch19.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch19.png
Channel 20
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24299.569 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 20, band 2 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch20.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch20.png
Channel 21
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24283.103 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 21, band 2 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch21.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch21.png
Channel 22
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24290.935 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 22, band 2 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch22.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch22.png
Channel 23
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24267.446 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 23, band 2 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch23.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch23.png
Channel 24
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24247.820 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 24, band 2 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch24.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch24.png
Channel 25
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24286.177 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 25, band 2 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch25.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch25.png
Channel 26
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24268.889 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 26, band 2 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch26.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch26.png
Channel 27
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24257.354 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 27, band 2 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch27.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch27.png
Channel 28
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24295.729 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 28, band 2 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch28.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch28.png
Channel 29
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24274.858 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 29, band 2 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch29.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch29.png
Channel 30
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 24255.606 cm-1 / 0.412 microns
Comment: 30, band 2 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch30.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch30.png
Channel 31
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22592.247 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 31, band 3 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch31.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch31.png
Channel 32
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22579.324 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 32, band 3 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch32.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch32.png
Channel 33
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22562.393 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 33, band 3 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch33.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch33.png
Channel 34
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22603.578 cm-1 / 0.442 microns
Comment: 34, band 3 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch34.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch34.png
Channel 35
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22587.990 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 35, band 3 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch35.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch35.png
Channel 36
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22571.171 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 36, band 3 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch36.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch36.png
Channel 37
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22582.500 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 37, band 3 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch37.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch37.png
Channel 38
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22564.081 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 38, band 3 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch38.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch38.png
Channel 39
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22544.022 cm-1 / 0.444 microns
Comment: 39, band 3 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch39.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch39.png
Channel 40
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22575.538 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 40, band 3 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch40.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch40.png
Channel 41
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22562.729 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 41, band 3 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch41.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch41.png
Channel 42
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22550.149 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 42, band 3 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch42.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch42.png
Channel 43
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22581.477 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 43, band 3 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch43.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch43.png
Channel 44
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22565.735 cm-1 / 0.443 microns
Comment: 44, band 3 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch44.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch44.png
Channel 45
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 22546.378 cm-1 / 0.444 microns
Comment: 45, band 3 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch45.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch45.png
Channel 46
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20404.843 cm-1 / 0.490 microns
Comment: 46, band 4 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch46.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch46.png
Channel 47
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20392.515 cm-1 / 0.490 microns
Comment: 47, band 4 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch47.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch47.png
Channel 48
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20378.410 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 48, band 4 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch48.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch48.png
Channel 49
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20413.116 cm-1 / 0.490 microns
Comment: 49, band 4 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch49.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch49.png
Channel 50
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20400.484 cm-1 / 0.490 microns
Comment: 50, band 4 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch50.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch50.png
Channel 51
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20386.112 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 51, band 4 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch51.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch51.png
Channel 52
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20394.457 cm-1 / 0.490 microns
Comment: 52, band 4 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch52.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch52.png
Channel 53
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20378.552 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 53, band 4 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch53.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch53.png
Channel 54
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20361.562 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 54, band 4 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch54.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch54.png
Channel 55
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20390.932 cm-1 / 0.490 microns
Comment: 55, band 4 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch55.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch55.png
Channel 56
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20378.701 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 56, band 4 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch56.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch56.png
Channel 57
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20369.200 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 57, band 4 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch57.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch57.png
Channel 58
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20397.680 cm-1 / 0.490 microns
Comment: 58, band 4 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch58.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch58.png
Channel 59
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20384.634 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 59, band 4 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch59.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch59.png
Channel 60
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 20368.515 cm-1 / 0.491 microns
Comment: 60, band 4 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch60.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch60.png
Channel 61
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19605.213 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 61, band 5 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch61.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch61.png
Channel 62
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19594.055 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 62, band 5 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch62.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch62.png
Channel 63
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19581.706 cm-1 / 0.511 microns
Comment: 63, band 5 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch63.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch63.png
Channel 64
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19613.315 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 64, band 5 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch64.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch64.png
Channel 65
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19602.313 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 65, band 5 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch65.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch65.png
Channel 66
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19589.438 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 66, band 5 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch66.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch66.png
Channel 67
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19597.785 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 67, band 5 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch67.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch67.png
Channel 68
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19583.356 cm-1 / 0.511 microns
Comment: 68, band 5 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch68.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch68.png
Channel 69
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19568.246 cm-1 / 0.511 microns
Comment: 69, band 5 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch69.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch69.png
Channel 70
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19593.837 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 70, band 5 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch70.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch70.png
Channel 71
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19583.995 cm-1 / 0.511 microns
Comment: 71, band 5 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch71.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch71.png
Channel 72
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19574.453 cm-1 / 0.511 microns
Comment: 72, band 5 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch72.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch72.png
Channel 73
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19598.155 cm-1 / 0.510 microns
Comment: 73, band 5 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch73.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch73.png
Channel 74
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19585.722 cm-1 / 0.511 microns
Comment: 74, band 5 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch74.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch74.png
Channel 75
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 19571.228 cm-1 / 0.511 microns
Comment: 75, band 5 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch75.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch75.png
Channel 76
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17855.160 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 76, band 6 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch76.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch76.png
Channel 77
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17846.017 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 77, band 6 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch77.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch77.png
Channel 78
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17835.791 cm-1 / 0.561 microns
Comment: 78, band 6 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch78.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch78.png
Channel 79
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17861.839 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 79, band 6 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch79.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch79.png
Channel 80
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17852.275 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 80, band 6 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch80.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch80.png
Channel 81
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17842.243 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 81, band 6 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch81.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch81.png
Channel 82
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17850.804 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 82, band 6 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch82.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch82.png
Channel 83
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17838.715 cm-1 / 0.561 microns
Comment: 83, band 6 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch83.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch83.png
Channel 84
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17825.948 cm-1 / 0.561 microns
Comment: 84, band 6 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch84.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch84.png
Channel 85
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17848.088 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 85, band 6 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch85.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch85.png
Channel 86
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17839.467 cm-1 / 0.561 microns
Comment: 86, band 6 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch86.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch86.png
Channel 87
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17831.545 cm-1 / 0.561 microns
Comment: 87, band 6 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch87.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch87.png
Channel 88
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17850.238 cm-1 / 0.560 microns
Comment: 88, band 6 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch88.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch88.png
Channel 89
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17840.817 cm-1 / 0.561 microns
Comment: 89, band 6 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch89.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch89.png
Channel 90
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 17829.508 cm-1 / 0.561 microns
Comment: 90, band 6 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch90.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch90.png
Channel 91
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16129.596 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 91, band 7 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch91.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch91.png
Channel 92
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16121.830 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 92, band 7 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch92.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch92.png
Channel 93
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16113.680 cm-1 / 0.621 microns
Comment: 93, band 7 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch93.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch93.png
Channel 94
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16137.452 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 94, band 7 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch94.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch94.png
Channel 95
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16129.116 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 95, band 7 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch95.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch95.png
Channel 96
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16121.556 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 96, band 7 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch96.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch96.png
Channel 97
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16122.430 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 97, band 7 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch97.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch97.png
Channel 98
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16112.623 cm-1 / 0.621 microns
Comment: 98, band 7 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch98.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch98.png
Channel 99
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16103.055 cm-1 / 0.621 microns
Comment: 99, band 7 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch99.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch99.png
Channel 100
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16120.423 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 100, band 7 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch100.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch100.png
Channel 101
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16113.252 cm-1 / 0.621 microns
Comment: 101, band 7 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch101.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch101.png
Channel 102
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16107.579 cm-1 / 0.621 microns
Comment: 102, band 7 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch102.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch102.png
Channel 103
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16127.003 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 103, band 7 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch103.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch103.png
Channel 104
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16117.805 cm-1 / 0.620 microns
Comment: 104, band 7 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch104.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch104.png
Channel 105
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 16108.778 cm-1 / 0.621 microns
Comment: 105, band 7 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch105.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch105.png
Channel 106
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15040.718 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 106, band 8 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch106.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch106.png
Channel 107
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15033.808 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 107, band 8 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch107.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch107.png
Channel 108
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15027.141 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 108, band 8 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch108.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch108.png
Channel 109
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15045.062 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 109, band 8 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch109.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch109.png
Channel 110
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15037.794 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 110, band 8 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch110.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch110.png
Channel 111
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15031.308 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 111, band 8 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch111.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch111.png
Channel 112
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15037.569 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 112, band 8 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch112.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch112.png
Channel 113
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15029.225 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 113, band 8 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch113.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch113.png
Channel 114
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15020.889 cm-1 / 0.666 microns
Comment: 114, band 8 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch114.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch114.png
Channel 115
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15036.322 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 115, band 8 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch115.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch115.png
Channel 116
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15029.698 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 116, band 8 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch116.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch116.png
Channel 117
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15024.812 cm-1 / 0.666 microns
Comment: 117, band 8 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch117.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch117.png
Channel 118
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15036.842 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 118, band 8 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch118.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch118.png
Channel 119
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15028.936 cm-1 / 0.665 microns
Comment: 119, band 8 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch119.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch119.png
Channel 120
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15020.976 cm-1 / 0.666 microns
Comment: 120, band 8 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch120.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch120.png
Channel 121
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14845.220 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 121, band 9 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch121.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch121.png
Channel 122
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14838.491 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 122, band 9 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch122.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch122.png
Channel 123
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14831.955 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 123, band 9 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch123.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch123.png
Channel 124
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14849.018 cm-1 / 0.673 microns
Comment: 124, band 9 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch124.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch124.png
Channel 125
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14842.161 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 125, band 9 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch125.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch125.png
Channel 126
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14835.923 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 126, band 9 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch126.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch126.png
Channel 127
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14843.000 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 127, band 9 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch127.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch127.png
Channel 128
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14834.499 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 128, band 9 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch128.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch128.png
Channel 129
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14826.405 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 129, band 9 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch129.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch129.png
Channel 130
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14841.470 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 130, band 9 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch130.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch130.png
Channel 131
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14835.219 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 131, band 9 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch131.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch131.png
Channel 132
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14830.338 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 132, band 9 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch132.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch132.png
Channel 133
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14841.291 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 133, band 9 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch133.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch133.png
Channel 134
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14833.436 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 134, band 9 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch134.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch134.png
Channel 135
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14825.822 cm-1 / 0.674 microns
Comment: 135, band 9 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch135.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch135.png
Channel 136
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14680.992 cm-1 / 0.681 microns
Comment: 136, band 10 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch136.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch136.png
Channel 137
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14674.161 cm-1 / 0.681 microns
Comment: 137, band 10 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch137.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch137.png
Channel 138
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14667.595 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 138, band 10 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch138.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch138.png
Channel 139
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14686.601 cm-1 / 0.681 microns
Comment: 139, band 10 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch139.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch139.png
Channel 140
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14678.798 cm-1 / 0.681 microns
Comment: 140, band 10 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch140.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch140.png
Channel 141
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14672.523 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 141, band 10 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch141.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch141.png
Channel 142
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14678.786 cm-1 / 0.681 microns
Comment: 142, band 10 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch142.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch142.png
Channel 143
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14670.097 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 143, band 10 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch143.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch143.png
Channel 144
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14662.217 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 144, band 10 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch144.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch144.png
Channel 145
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14677.151 cm-1 / 0.681 microns
Comment: 145, band 10 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch145.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch145.png
Channel 146
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14670.730 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 146, band 10 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch146.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch146.png
Channel 147
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14665.854 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 147, band 10 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch147.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch147.png
Channel 148
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14676.655 cm-1 / 0.681 microns
Comment: 148, band 10 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch148.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch148.png
Channel 149
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14668.751 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 149, band 10 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch149.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch149.png
Channel 150
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14661.462 cm-1 / 0.682 microns
Comment: 150, band 10 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch150.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch150.png
Channel 151
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14110.461 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 151, band 11 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch151.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch151.png
Channel 152
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14104.120 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 152, band 11 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch152.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch152.png
Channel 153
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14098.245 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 153, band 11 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch153.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch153.png
Channel 154
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14114.256 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 154, band 11 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch154.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch154.png
Channel 155
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14107.519 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 155, band 11 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch155.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch155.png
Channel 156
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14101.966 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 156, band 11 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch156.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch156.png
Channel 157
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14108.292 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 157, band 11 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch157.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch157.png
Channel 158
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14100.835 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 158, band 11 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch158.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch158.png
Channel 159
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14093.303 cm-1 / 0.710 microns
Comment: 159, band 11 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch159.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch159.png
Channel 160
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14107.091 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 160, band 11 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch160.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch160.png
Channel 161
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14101.054 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 161, band 11 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch161.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch161.png
Channel 162
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14096.873 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 162, band 11 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch162.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch162.png
Channel 163
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14106.661 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 163, band 11 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch163.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch163.png
Channel 164
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14099.526 cm-1 / 0.709 microns
Comment: 164, band 11 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch164.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch164.png
Channel 165
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14092.788 cm-1 / 0.710 microns
Comment: 165, band 11 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch165.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch165.png
Channel 166
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13266.820 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 166, band 12 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch166.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch166.png
Channel 167
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13261.018 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 167, band 12 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch167.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch167.png
Channel 168
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13256.054 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 168, band 12 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch168.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch168.png
Channel 169
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13269.907 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 169, band 12 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch169.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch169.png
Channel 170
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13264.137 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 170, band 12 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch170.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch170.png
Channel 171
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13259.354 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 171, band 12 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch171.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch171.png
Channel 172
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13265.735 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 172, band 12 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch172.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch172.png
Channel 173
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13258.702 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 173, band 12 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch173.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch173.png
Channel 174
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13252.225 cm-1 / 0.755 microns
Comment: 174, band 12 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch174.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch174.png
Channel 175
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13265.167 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 175, band 12 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch175.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch175.png
Channel 176
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13259.295 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 176, band 12 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch176.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch176.png
Channel 177
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13255.983 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 177, band 12 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch177.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch177.png
Channel 178
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13262.791 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 178, band 12 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch178.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch178.png
Channel 179
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13256.364 cm-1 / 0.754 microns
Comment: 179, band 12 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch179.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch179.png
Channel 180
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13250.452 cm-1 / 0.755 microns
Comment: 180, band 12 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch180.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch180.png
Channel 181
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13135.887 cm-1 / 0.761 microns
Comment: 181, band 13 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch181.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch181.png
Channel 182
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13129.678 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 182, band 13 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch182.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch182.png
Channel 183
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13124.687 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 183, band 13 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch183.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch183.png
Channel 184
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13139.348 cm-1 / 0.761 microns
Comment: 184, band 13 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch184.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch184.png
Channel 185
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13133.274 cm-1 / 0.761 microns
Comment: 185, band 13 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch185.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch185.png
Channel 186
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13128.357 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 186, band 13 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch186.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch186.png
Channel 187
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13134.111 cm-1 / 0.761 microns
Comment: 187, band 13 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch187.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch187.png
Channel 188
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13126.547 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 188, band 13 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch188.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch188.png
Channel 189
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13119.839 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 189, band 13 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch189.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch189.png
Channel 190
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13133.605 cm-1 / 0.761 microns
Comment: 190, band 13 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch190.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch190.png
Channel 191
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13127.304 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 191, band 13 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch191.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch191.png
Channel 192
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13123.466 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 192, band 13 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch192.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch192.png
Channel 193
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13131.967 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 193, band 13 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch193.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch193.png
Channel 194
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13125.231 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 194, band 13 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch194.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch194.png
Channel 195
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13118.795 cm-1 / 0.762 microns
Comment: 195, band 13 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch195.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch195.png
Channel 196
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13082.220 cm-1 / 0.764 microns
Comment: 196, band 14 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch196.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch196.png
Channel 197
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13076.283 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 197, band 14 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch197.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch197.png
Channel 198
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13071.363 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 198, band 14 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch198.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch198.png
Channel 199
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13085.844 cm-1 / 0.764 microns
Comment: 199, band 14 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch199.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch199.png
Channel 200
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13079.734 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 200, band 14 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch200.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch200.png
Channel 201
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13074.831 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 201, band 14 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch201.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch201.png
Channel 202
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13081.120 cm-1 / 0.764 microns
Comment: 202, band 14 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch202.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch202.png
Channel 203
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13073.501 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 203, band 14 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch203.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch203.png
Channel 204
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13067.030 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 204, band 14 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch204.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch204.png
Channel 205
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13080.418 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 205, band 14 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch205.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch205.png
Channel 206
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13074.508 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 206, band 14 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch206.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch206.png
Channel 207
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13070.749 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 207, band 14 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch207.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch207.png
Channel 208
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13078.771 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 208, band 14 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch208.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch208.png
Channel 209
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13071.963 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 209, band 14 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch209.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch209.png
Channel 210
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13065.754 cm-1 / 0.765 microns
Comment: 210, band 14 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch210.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch210.png
Channel 211
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13029.060 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 211, band 15 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch211.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch211.png
Channel 212
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13023.462 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 212, band 15 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch212.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch212.png
Channel 213
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13018.581 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 213, band 15 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch213.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch213.png
Channel 214
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13032.778 cm-1 / 0.767 microns
Comment: 214, band 15 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch214.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch214.png
Channel 215
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13026.664 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 215, band 15 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch215.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch215.png
Channel 216
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13021.859 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 216, band 15 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch216.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch216.png
Channel 217
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13028.936 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 217, band 15 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch217.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch217.png
Channel 218
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13021.310 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 218, band 15 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch218.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch218.png
Channel 219
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13015.066 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 219, band 15 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch219.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch219.png
Channel 220
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13027.892 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 220, band 15 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch220.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch220.png
Channel 221
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13022.473 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 221, band 15 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch221.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch221.png
Channel 222
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13018.826 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 222, band 15 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch222.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch222.png
Channel 223
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13026.076 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 223, band 15 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch223.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch223.png
Channel 224
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13019.340 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 224, band 15 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch224.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch224.png
Channel 225
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 13013.628 cm-1 / 0.768 microns
Comment: 225, band 15 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch225.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch225.png
Channel 226
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12840.448 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 226, band 16 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch226.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch226.png
Channel 227
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12834.725 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 227, band 16 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch227.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch227.png
Channel 228
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12830.041 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 228, band 16 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch228.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch228.png
Channel 229
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12843.285 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 229, band 16 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch229.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch229.png
Channel 230
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12837.687 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 230, band 16 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch230.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch230.png
Channel 231
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12832.970 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 231, band 16 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch231.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch231.png
Channel 232
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12839.325 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 232, band 16 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch232.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch232.png
Channel 233
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12832.565 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 233, band 16 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch233.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch233.png
Channel 234
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12826.281 cm-1 / 0.780 microns
Comment: 234, band 16 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch234.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch234.png
Channel 235
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12838.855 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 235, band 16 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch235.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch235.png
Channel 236
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12833.264 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 236, band 16 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch236.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch236.png
Channel 237
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12830.241 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 237, band 16 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch237.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch237.png
Channel 238
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12836.644 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 238, band 16 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch238.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch238.png
Channel 239
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12830.348 cm-1 / 0.779 microns
Comment: 239, band 16 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch239.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch239.png
Channel 240
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 12825.018 cm-1 / 0.780 microns
Comment: 240, band 16 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch240.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch240.png
Channel 241
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11560.224 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 241, band 17 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch241.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch241.png
Channel 242
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11554.958 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 242, band 17 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch242.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch242.png
Channel 243
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11551.776 cm-1 / 0.866 microns
Comment: 243, band 17 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch243.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch243.png
Channel 244
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11562.909 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 244, band 17 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch244.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch244.png
Channel 245
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11557.979 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 245, band 17 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch245.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch245.png
Channel 246
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11554.631 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 246, band 17 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch246.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch246.png
Channel 247
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11560.703 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 247, band 17 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch247.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch247.png
Channel 248
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11554.541 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 248, band 17 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch248.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch248.png
Channel 249
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11550.030 cm-1 / 0.866 microns
Comment: 249, band 17 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch249.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch249.png
Channel 250
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11560.579 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 250, band 17 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch250.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch250.png
Channel 251
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11555.880 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 251, band 17 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch251.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch251.png
Channel 252
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11553.163 cm-1 / 0.866 microns
Comment: 252, band 17 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch252.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch252.png
Channel 253
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11557.139 cm-1 / 0.865 microns
Comment: 253, band 17 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch253.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch253.png
Channel 254
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11551.730 cm-1 / 0.866 microns
Comment: 254, band 17 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch254.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch254.png
Channel 255
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11548.193 cm-1 / 0.866 microns
Comment: 255, band 17 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch255.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch255.png
Channel 256
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11313.113 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 256, band 18 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch256.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch256.png
Channel 257
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11308.226 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 257, band 18 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch257.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch257.png
Channel 258
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11304.985 cm-1 / 0.885 microns
Comment: 258, band 18 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch258.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch258.png
Channel 259
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11315.798 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 259, band 18 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch259.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch259.png
Channel 260
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11310.784 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 260, band 18 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch260.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch260.png
Channel 261
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11307.563 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 261, band 18 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch261.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch261.png
Channel 262
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11314.200 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 262, band 18 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch262.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch262.png
Channel 263
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11308.078 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 263, band 18 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch263.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch263.png
Channel 264
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11303.412 cm-1 / 0.885 microns
Comment: 264, band 18 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch264.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch264.png
Channel 265
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11313.920 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 265, band 18 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch265.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch265.png
Channel 266
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11309.496 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 266, band 18 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch266.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch266.png
Channel 267
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11306.679 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 267, band 18 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch267.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch267.png
Channel 268
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11310.295 cm-1 / 0.884 microns
Comment: 268, band 18 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch268.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch268.png
Channel 269
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11305.031 cm-1 / 0.885 microns
Comment: 269, band 18 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch269.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch269.png
Channel 270
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11301.220 cm-1 / 0.885 microns
Comment: 270, band 18 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch270.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch270.png
Channel 271
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11123.967 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 271, band 19 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch271.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch271.png
Channel 272
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11119.405 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 272, band 19 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch272.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch272.png
Channel 273
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11116.269 cm-1 / 0.900 microns
Comment: 273, band 19 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch273.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch273.png
Channel 274
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11126.822 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 274, band 19 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch274.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch274.png
Channel 275
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11121.802 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 275, band 19 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch275.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch275.png
Channel 276
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11118.805 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 276, band 19 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch276.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch276.png
Channel 277
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11125.688 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 277, band 19 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch277.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch277.png
Channel 278
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11119.577 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 278, band 19 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch278.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch278.png
Channel 279
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11114.823 cm-1 / 0.900 microns
Comment: 279, band 19 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch279.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch279.png
Channel 280
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11125.191 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 280, band 19 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch280.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch280.png
Channel 281
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11121.009 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 281, band 19 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch281.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch281.png
Channel 282
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11118.132 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 282, band 19 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch282.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch282.png
Channel 283
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11121.417 cm-1 / 0.899 microns
Comment: 283, band 19 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch283.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch283.png
Channel 284
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11116.308 cm-1 / 0.900 microns
Comment: 284, band 19 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch284.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch284.png
Channel 285
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11112.486 cm-1 / 0.900 microns
Comment: 285, band 19 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch285.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch285.png
Channel 286
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10654.539 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 286, band 20 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch286.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch286.png
Channel 287
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10649.380 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 287, band 20 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch287.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch287.png
Channel 288
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10646.467 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 288, band 20 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch288.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch288.png
Channel 289
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10656.320 cm-1 / 0.938 microns
Comment: 289, band 20 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch289.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch289.png
Channel 290
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10651.540 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 290, band 20 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch290.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch290.png
Channel 291
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10649.384 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 291, band 20 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch291.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch291.png
Channel 292
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10654.907 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 292, band 20 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch292.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch292.png
Channel 293
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10649.412 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 293, band 20 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch293.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch293.png
Channel 294
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10645.640 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 294, band 20 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch294.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch294.png
Channel 295
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10655.062 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 295, band 20 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch295.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch295.png
Channel 296
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10651.943 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 296, band 20 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch296.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch296.png
Channel 297
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10650.351 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 297, band 20 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch297.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch297.png
Channel 298
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10651.434 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 298, band 20 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch298.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch298.png
Channel 299
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10646.546 cm-1 / 0.939 microns
Comment: 299, band 20 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch299.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch299.png
Channel 300
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 10643.511 cm-1 / 0.940 microns
Comment: 300, band 20 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch300.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch300.png
Channel 301
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9849.288 cm-1 / 1.015 microns
Comment: 301, band 21 module 1 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch301.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch301.png
Channel 302
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9843.714 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 302, band 21 module 1 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch302.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch302.png
Channel 303
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9844.184 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 303, band 21 module 1 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch303.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch303.png
Channel 304
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9847.932 cm-1 / 1.015 microns
Comment: 304, band 21 module 2 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch304.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch304.png
Channel 305
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9844.698 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 305, band 21 module 2 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch305.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch305.png
Channel 306
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9843.754 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 306, band 21 module 2 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch306.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch306.png
Channel 307
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9849.165 cm-1 / 1.015 microns
Comment: 307, band 21 module 3 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch307.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch307.png
Channel 308
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9842.867 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 308, band 21 module 3 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch308.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch308.png
Channel 309
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9842.370 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 309, band 21 module 3 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch309.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch309.png
Channel 310
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9850.324 cm-1 / 1.015 microns
Comment: 310, band 21 module 4 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch310.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch310.png
Channel 311
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9845.556 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 311, band 21 module 4 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch311.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch311.png
Channel 312
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9845.238 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 312, band 21 module 4 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch312.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch312.png
Channel 313
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9847.458 cm-1 / 1.015 microns
Comment: 313, band 21 module 5 CCD column 10 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch313.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch313.png
Channel 314
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9842.958 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 314, band 21 module 5 CCD column 374 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch314.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch314.png
Channel 315
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 9841.253 cm-1 / 1.016 microns
Comment: 315, band 21 module 5 CCD column 730 from OLCI S3A spectral characterisation S3A_O_CCDB_V7.02_2015_20_11_OL/NetCDF/S3A_OL_CCDB_CHAR_AllFiles.20151120093949_1.nc4 created Fri Feb 12 17:55:38 2016
SRF data: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch315.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_sentinel3_1_olci_srf_ch315.png