This file generated: 15/10/2019


README file for NIMBUS-6 HIRS filter functions
April 24th, 2013

Data are extracted from HIRS_filters.pdf file using a digitizing software named engauge (
PDF pages are converted to png images (kpdf), digitized (engauge) and saved to csv files and imported to a xls file.

Original SRF plots are dated November/December 1972

Original PDF file HIRS_filters.pdf was provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc),
file should be available at  http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184

This HIRS instrument has 17 channels (16 IR, 1 VIS)

Page one of the PDF file mentions (all cm-1):
Filter set   cent. Freq  HalfBW
1  Proto        669.1      2.8
2  Flight-2     678.8     13.7
3  Proto        690.1     12.6
4  Flight-1     701.6     15.9
5  Fligt-1      716.5     17.5
6  Flight-1     732.3     17.6
7  Proto        749.1     18.4
8  Flight-2     899.6     34.6
9  Flight-1    1228.2     63.4
10 Flight-2    1494.9     87.6
11 Flight-1    2190.8     20.6
12 Proto       2211.9     22.5
13 Flight-1    2244.2     21.6
14 Flight-1    2274.5     35.2
15 Flight-1    2357.6     23.0
16 Proto       2692.4    296.9
17 Proto      14443.0    892.2

Central frequency and bandwidth calculated from the digitised data are slightly
different but in good agreement, see filter function section
We used the option --central-wv-method CENTROID to calculate the central frequency

Download all SRFs: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf.tar.gz

Channel 01
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 668.815 cm-1 / 14.952 microns
Comment: 1, channel 1 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch01.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch01.png
Channel 02
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 679.009 cm-1 / 14.727 microns
Comment: 2, channel 2 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch02.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch02.png
Channel 03
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 689.759 cm-1 / 14.498 microns
Comment: 3, channel 3 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch03.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch03.png
Channel 04
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 701.389 cm-1 / 14.257 microns
Comment: 4, channel 4 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch04.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch04.png
Channel 05
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 716.733 cm-1 / 13.952 microns
Comment: 5, channel 5 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch05.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch05.png
Channel 06
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 732.093 cm-1 / 13.659 microns
Comment: 6, channel 6 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch06.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch06.png
Channel 07
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 749.125 cm-1 / 13.349 microns
Comment: 7, channel 7 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch07.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch07.png
Channel 08
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 899.741 cm-1 / 11.114 microns
Comment: 8, channel 8 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch08.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch08.png
Channel 09
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1222.936 cm-1 / 8.177 microns
Comment: 9, channel 9 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch09.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch09.png
Channel 10
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1493.738 cm-1 / 6.695 microns
Comment: 10, channel 10 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch10.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch10.png
Channel 11
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2190.396 cm-1 / 4.565 microns
Comment: 11, channel 11 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch11.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch11.png
Channel 12
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2211.983 cm-1 / 4.521 microns
Comment: 12, channel 12 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch12.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch12.png
Channel 13
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2243.968 cm-1 / 4.456 microns
Comment: 13, channel 13 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch13.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch13.png
Channel 14
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2273.024 cm-1 / 4.399 microns
Comment: 14, channel 14 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch14.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch14.png
Channel 15
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2357.189 cm-1 / 4.242 microns
Comment: 15, channel 15 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch15.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch15.png
Channel 16
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2692.356 cm-1 / 3.714 microns
Comment: 16, channel 16 digitised from file HIRS_filters.pdf provided by Ronald Glumb (ITT Exelisinc) at http://ntrs.nasagov/search.jsp?R=19760014184
SRF data: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch16.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_nimbus_6_hirs_srf_ch16.png