This file generated: 15/10/2019
README file for MTSAT-1R filter functions
08 Nov 2004
Original Excel file Tabular_Summary_JAMI_SRF.xls provided
 by N. Uekiyo
Values are based on Primary Focal Plane data
Some negative values removed
3.9mu channel truncated at 3000cm-1
Channel order as requested by ECMWF and JMA:
  1 11mu
  2 12mu
  3 6.7mu
  4 3.7mu
  5 visible band
README file for MTSAT-1R filter functions
08 Nov 2004
Original Excel file Tabular_Summary_JAMI_SRF.xls provided
 by N. Uekiyo
Values are based on Primary Focal Plane data
Some negative values removed
3.9mu channel truncated at 3000cm-1
Channel order as requested by ECMWF and JMA:
  1 11mu
  2 12mu
  3 6.7mu
  4 3.7mu
Download all SRFs: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf.tar.gz
Channel 01 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 925.274 cm-1 / 10.808 microns Comment: 1 ,mtsat_01_imager_01.flt , Primary Focal Plane SRF data: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch01.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch01.png |
Channel 02 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 832.353 cm-1 / 12.014 microns Comment: 2 ,mtsat_01_imager_02.flt , Primary Focal Plane SRF data: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch02.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch02.png |
Channel 03 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1481.051 cm-1 / 6.752 microns Comment: 3 ,mtsat_01_imager_03.flt , Primary Focal Plane SRF data: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch03.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch03.png |
Channel 04 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2645.662 cm-1 / 3.780 microns Comment: 4 ,mtsat_01_imager_04.flt , Primary Focal Plane (trunc at 3000cm-1) SRF data: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch04.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch04.png |
Channel 05 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14014.682 cm-1 / 0.714 microns Comment: 1 ,MTSAT-1R Visible Band SRF data: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch05.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_mtsat_1_imager_srf_ch05.png |