This file generated: 15/10/2019
README file for GMS 5 VISSR imager filter response
Last update March 1st 2017
SRF available at:
README file for GMS_IMAGER filter response
Last update March 25th 2011
SRFs are available at:
Water Vapour channel 3 is corrected according to JM Breon paper in JAOT 1999:
   Evidence of Atmospheric Contamination on the Measurement of the Spectral Response
   of the GMS-5 Water Vapor Channel
   Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
   Climate Diagnostic Center, NOAA/ERL, Boulder, Colorado
   The GMS-5 geostationary satellite carries a channel centered at 6.7 mm for the measurement of uppertropospheric
   humidity. This channel’s spectral response shows structures that are similar to those shown by the
   atmospheric transmission. This note shows that these structures probably result from water vapor absorption
   between the calibration source and the instrument while making the response measurement. A corrected filter
   is proposed after normalization by the inferred atmospheric transmission. The brightness temperatures computed
   by a radiative transfer model using the spurious response exhibit a warm bias of about 1 K.
Download all SRFs: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf.tar.gz
Channel 01 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 925.317 cm-1 / 10.807 microns Comment: 1 ,gms_05_imager_01.flt SRF data: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch01.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch01.png |
Channel 02 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 869.563 cm-1 / 11.500 microns Comment: 2 ,gms_05_imager_02.flt SRF data: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch02.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch02.png |
Channel 03 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1444.880 cm-1 / 6.921 microns Comment: 3 ,GMS-5 channel 3 SRF corrected following Breon's paper JAOT n SRF data: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch03.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch03.png |
Channel 04 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15008.474 cm-1 / 0.666 microns Comment: 4, GMS 5 VISSR Visible channel SRF data: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch04.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_gms_5_imager_srf_ch04.png |