This file generated: 15/10/2019


README for MI instrument on board COMS-1
April 15th 2009

COMS: Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite

SRFs provided by B.J. Sohn on Jan 29th, 2009
Original files are MSExcel format and for 2 instrument temperatures 85K 87K
B.J. Sohn recommands to use 85K "low" temps.

SRFs after truncation:
  Channel SWIR range: [2390 2999]
  Channel WV range:   [1385 1577]
  Channel IR1 range:  [ 866 1000]
  Channel IR2 range:  [ 781  890]

README for MI instrument on board COMS-1
April 15th 2009

COMS: Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite

SRFs provided by B.J. Sohn on Jan 29th, 2009
Original files are MSExcel format and for 2 instrument temperatures 85K 87K
B.J. Sohn recommands to use 85K "low" temps.

Oct 12, 2017 NSMC/KMA provide a new SRF for WV channel shifted by +3.5cm-1
SFR is not exactly the previous one shifted by 3.5

SRFs after truncation:
  Channel SWIR range: [2390 2999]
  Channel WV range:   [1385 1577]
  Channel IR1 range:  [ 866 1000]
  Channel IR2 range:  [ 781  890]

Download all SRFs: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf.tar.gz

Channel 01
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14909.121 cm-1 / 0.671 microns
Comment: 1 ,coms_01_mi_01-vis.flt, original file "Visible Spectral function _ Low.xls"
SRF data: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch01.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch01.png
Channel 02
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2678.607 cm-1 / 3.733 microns
Comment: 1 ,coms_01_mi_01.flt, original "SWIR Spectral function _ Low.xls" truncated
SRF data: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch02.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch02.png
Channel 03
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1489.756 cm-1 / 6.713 microns
Comment: 2 ,coms_01_mi_02-shifted.flt, original WV modified "shifted_wv.txt" Oct 12, 2017 truncated
SRF data: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch03.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch03.png
Channel 04
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 928.243 cm-1 / 10.773 microns
Comment: 3 ,coms_01_mi_03.flt, original "IR1 Spectral function _ Low.xls" truncated
SRF data: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch04.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch04.png
Channel 05
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 830.400 cm-1 / 12.042 microns
Comment: 4 ,coms_01_mi_04.flt, original "IR2 Spectral function _ Low.xls" truncated
SRF data: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch05.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_coms_1_mi_srf_ch05.png